Northern Region 'WarJeeps'

The Northern Region has grown in numbers steadily over the past few years. Our Regional Event Coordinator is Joseph Lorentzson, a FFC member for over two decades with abundant experience. 

We are essentially a light recon outfit with a large number of jeeps/mutts, a few Weapons Carriers, Charles Fails’ fleet of Deuces and his artillery piece.  What we may be missing in diversity, we make up for in enthusiasm, as we have a hearty slate of scheduled events.  We also have impromptu scheduled “WarJeeps and WIngs” lunches in the warm months and “WarJeeps and Waffles” breakfasts in the cooler months.  

Please see the Gallery below for a small sampling of our outings!

  • Northern Region Event Coordinator:  Position is open

  • Contact #

  • Email:

  • Statewide Major Event:  The FFC-MVPA Winter Rally  in Green Cove Springs, FL.

  • Counties Served:  Duval, Nassau, Clay, St. Johns, Flagler, Putnam, Alachia, Bradford, Union, Columbia, Gilchrist, Hamilton, and Suwannee.

The 'WarJeeps' Gallery

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